Outsourcing of all operations in Thailand, from Company registration incorporation to visa and work permit applications, accounting processing, and personnel administration in Thailand

Helping startup companies who are going to work hard in Thailand.

A-CAST can provide short-term spot support such as company registration and tax registration, as well as mid- to long-term support such as outsourcing cumbersome accounting processing, bookkeeping, and human resources and general administration services.

Are there any barriers to starting a business in Thailand?

"I want to register a company in Thailand, but I don't know where to start."
"I'm afraid that the accounting process, human resources, and other details of incorporation will be complicated."

For startup companies that are having trouble with their business, A-CAST can take care of the tedious and trivial tasks that your company has to deal with.
We help a variety of companies in Thailand, whether they are considering expanding into Thailand or have already started a small business. Please feel free to contact us!


From company registration to administrative services to visa applications, we've got you covered!

Company registration and tax registration in Thailand


The first step to starting a business in Thailand is a company registration.
Our experienced staff will help you get off to a smooth start.
We take care of all the necessary procedures to set up a business on your behalf.

Accounting tax and bookkeeping services

Close-up of unrecognizable accountant calculating company income and examining report. He using calculator to check financial data. Man working at table. Investment concept

Monthly financial statement analysis is indispensable to grasp the latest business conditions and to accurately and timely formulate and implement future management strategies. Our Japanese and Thai staff work together to provide seamless support from journalizing to preparation of monthly financial statements and reports.

Human resources and general affairs related outsourcing

Human Resources HR management concept. Human resources pool, customer care and employees

The work of general affairs, including human resources, is diverse and the practical aspects vary greatly from company to company. At A-CAST, we will listen to the general affairs tasks that are troubling you and propose solutions tailored to your needs.

Visa and work permit application/renewal agent

Thailand Visa application form and blue pen on paper calendar page close up

It is very complicated and troublesome for individuals to go through the Thai visa application process. Our company, A-CAST, provides services for work visa and work permit application procedures on your behalf.




クラウド型会計管理システム・ソフト「DMCS」は、タイにも拠点を持ちサービスサポートに力を入れている、Cloud 2 Works社が開発、シンプルな操作性およびシステムによる複雑な会計仕訳の簡略化により、会計知識に精通した方でなくても簡単にご利用いただける会計ソフトです。また、タイの歳入局より総勘定元帳(GL)のみならず、売掛(AR)、買掛(AP)共に認可を受けている数少ないソフトとなります。

タイの人事管理システム・ソフトDMCS HRロゴ

Time Attendance System / Payroll / Expense Management “DMCS HR”

DMCS HR(ディーエムシーエス エイチアール)は、勤怠管理、給与計算、経費管理が一つになったクラウドシステムです。人事データを一元管理することにより、簡単な操作で効率よくお使いいただけます。さらに会計・生産管理統合システムのDMCSと組み合わせると、給与仕訳データ・仮払仕訳データ・経費精算仕訳データの連携が可能です。









Business management and retail/restaurant supporting in Thailand


適性検査・採用面接支援ツール 「HCi-AS」

HCi-ASは採用面接時に応募者をより良く理解する目的で開発された適性検査です。 人財の業績につながる力である目標追求力、対人力、主体性を診断することにより、本当に企業で必要な人財か否かを見極めます。


貴社の業務を可視化し、課題を徹底的に浮き彫りにします。 また、あるべき業務像を描き、その実現に向けた打ち手を多角的な視点から提案いたします。





社食運営支援 “こうばのオカン”


No matter how trivial the problem, please feel free to contact us first.



Are There Any Services You Are Interested In?

Please feel free to contact us by phone or through our contact form.

We can provide short-term support on a spot basis, as well as medium- to long-term support for visualization, streamlining, and standardization of indirect departmental operations through outsourced contracting and systems.
We design solutions tailored to your interests and requirements.

©[current-year] A-Cast (Thailand) Co., Ltd

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